Tracey Gerety français  deutsch
Tracey Gerety is an US-American certified personal trainer. She created the outdoor workout "Fitwalk" that combines an intense interval training with distance walking and exercises for stress reduction.

In summer 2015 she tumbled over a skateboard in a dark garage at night while rushing to go pick up one of her children. She fell hard and injured her left ankle seriously. An ambulance brought her to a hospital in Westchester (New York). Although Tracey had broken limbs before, feeling the throbbing of her ankle, she said "It's been a long time since I was reminded of what significant physical pain is like."

She spend three days in the hospital undergoing an operation that inserted a metal plate, screws, and wires in her ankle. For surgery she chose a local sedation instead of a general anaesthesia. After the operation she had several hours no feeling in her legs. But it came back as the doctors assured before.

Tracey was released from hospital with a splint on her leg and crutches. At home she was icing and waiting for the swelling to go down so that she could get a cast. She said: "When my children are wrestling each other and fighting over my crutches and the dog jumps on the bed, I feel a physical vulnerability like I never have before."

With a hard cast she did again exercises to improve her fitness. About three months after the accident she could put weight on her ankle but still needed crutches. The metals in her ankle were removed several months later.

Source: traceygerety.com