Siri 17th January 2012
Hi. My name is Siri.

I fell approximately 1.5 stories off of my balcony about a week and a half ago while I was doings some work on the rail. I shattered the left radius, shattered left ulna, 2 breaks in left humerus, 2 breaks in right ulna, 3 breaks in right radius, 1 fracture in lower humerus, fractured pelvis. Left Leg: shattered femur, shattered tibia, 3 breaks in fibula, all metatarsals shattered. Right Leg: 3 breaks in femur, shattered tibia, 2 breaks in fibula, all metatarsals shattered as well. I broke all toes on left foot, all but 5th toe on left foot, all fingers and thumb on left hand, and thumb and thumb and 3rd and 4th finger on right hand. Luckily, no injury to back/neck.

I am currently in a body cast with Double Hip Spica with a left Shouder Spica with Finger and Thumb Spica. I also have a Long Arm Thumb and Finger Spica on my right arm. Just got home 2 days ago. Husband and I are holding off on sex for a while.

Has anyone had similar injuries?
